Monday, May 30, 2016

Five Stitches in the Eyelid

   Went to tri cities with Nancy yesterday morn to have a recall fixed on the car. I asked Nancy to go with me and then had her drive both ways. I should have been more specific I wanted her to drive. We waited an hour for them to do the work and I showed Nancy some tricks for her iPad. She caught on real fast, she is young. We went to Red Robin for lunch, I paid for her lunch and she was okay with that, she left the tip. She took us to Jo Anne's and I found a couple of things to purchase, that is a fun store. She spent more than me and she had a coupon!  She is making a fleece blanket for their bed, I found some brown linen fabric for a summer skirt that will flow when I walk. I like to flow instead of plod. I can wear a pink or purple top with it, my granddaughters like pink and purple. 
  The trip home we came upon the remnants of a fire in Umatilla. There was still smoke and I saw flames in one spot, it came down to the freeway and into the divider in some spots. Andrew says if the smoke is white the fire is over and if it is black it is still burning. So he did learn something when he was fighting fires last summer. I didn't know that.
 And guess who had got to cook dinner last night. I was tired and then had the beginnings of a headache. I knew if I said I was too tired to cook they would want pizza or we would go out and I didn't want either of those, we had beef left over from yesterday so I made beef and noodles. I had sour cream left over so threw that in with it, I didn't hear any complaints so it must not have been too bad.
 Duncan hurt his back so he is resting now. Hope he is better by tomorrow.
    Bruce said he was able to do marching steps in the pool on Wednesday so that is one time he had his feet 10 inches from the bottom of the pool.
I got to take Bruce to therapy at 10:30 on Fridsy. Duncan is going to the chiropractor today in the afternoon. 
   Watched all the Greenwood students on their bikes this morning getting ready for the bike ride. They were so excited. 
   We are feeding the missionaries tonight.

Missionaries didn't get here til 8:00. They had a meeting in Meridian and were beat so took their pizza and left. That was easy. We gave them oranges for breakfast. We figure they don't buy it in the store so I try to have some on hand when they come over. 
  Took Bruce to the Farmers Market and he saw lots of people he knew. We bought some tamales for dinner tonight, some bread from Kneads and popcorn from a Sanchez. 
  Went to D&B and got spray and red ribbon for the cherry trees and dirt for planters. I found some nice tall ones for the back yard and dirt to go in them.

  Bruce and I went to see Alice through the Looking Glass. You can't change the past only learn from it and change the future. It was great. I loved the time puns.
I brought Bruce home and headed to Rite Aide for pots and Bi Mart for plants and another pot. I really liked how the Stangers back yard is. Now I need to find a rose bush and some sunflowers. 
   We are in the ER. Bruce scratched his face with the tree branches. He might need stitches. They are calling Dr. Petitt to come look at it. The eyelid is torn. Andrew and Bruce are watching a soccer game. 
   He was described as a 64 year old male with a head injury. He got five stitches in his right eyelid and it is black and swollen. Ice, we need ice.
It looks much better.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Father Son Bonding

   Bruce is doing better, he has 100 % of his right arm and 50% of his left. He does want to be stronger because he has seen the strength of other quads and wants to be able to do more. They have been standing him on one leg and moving the other footsore are and back about three inches. And then switching to the other leg, repeating the process. Ben says they are getting him ready to shuffle walk. 

   I made another chevron baby quilt. It has a fun pink polka dot border. I am in love with it if that is possible. My friend said it looks like Easter colors.

Andrew mowed the lawn. It looks good, now will have to trim the tall grass. I tied some silver ribbon to the cherry trees. It helps keep the birds out and is easier than the netting we put on before. 

I am working on my string quilt. I saw a border around each block and that looks fun only I have six sewn together so will border them and add more. Artistic element, ha ha
Couldn't get the dog to walk off the ramp this morning so I stayed in from our walk, it is cold outside and windy. 
Now it is raining.
  Andrew got off early from work to go to the father son campout Friday night. They are just staying for the meal and the beginning of the cookie fest. Duncan doesn't want to miss it. Hot dogs and hamburgers, and tater salad, what more could the male population want?
   I am going out with friends to Moys and then here for quiet time. It is too cold to go to the parade. Moys turned out to be really loud with another group of twenty in the same room. Glad for some down time.
   I listen/watch Murder She Wrote while I sew, it does get quiet. I like seeing all the old actors, Brian Keith, Yvonne de Carlo, (she got fat), Dean Jones. Bruce was lamenting the fact that his 36 inch waist has grown to 38 inches. I do not feel sorry for him. I'm going to buy him a pie.

I tried the new honey nut m&ms, they tasted burnt. Still like the peanut ones best.
   Some friends wanted me to go to the quilt retreat in Wallawa this year. They would provide caretakers for Bruce. At this point in time it just won't work. The care taking involves very private care and Bruce is not ready to bare himself to well meaning friends. And night is an issue, some one has to be in the same room with him or the living room to hear him if his leg falls off the bed or he drops his water bottle. So far I am the only one we allow in bed with him. Thank you dear friends, maybe in six months I can go to the Sept. Quilt retreat. Not sure I can be nice that long. I do like my alone, quiet time. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Mothers's Day Week

   Happy Mother's Day! Got to talk to all but one of the boys and Crys today so I am pleased. Bruce got me a hanging plant for the deck and a very nice planter from the landscapes place on Island ave. Andrew brought me a long seemed red rose from the branch. Duncan did a couple of chores for us, very nice.
   Ben and fam will be here in July, Dan says they plan to come for a visit and Rob says they will be here at Christmas between snow storms. We don't have any plans to go anywhere until Bruce is stronger.

We will be interviewing potential health care workers this week.
  One gal is leaving in June and Gregg is just not able to help any more, his health is so bad. He says he might be moving to Coos Bay soon. He calls in sick at least once a week and I don't like the stress of finding someone to sub for him.
  Duncan is thinking about leaving after summer too so would have to hire a driver. He is getting tired of us nagging him. I think we can hire a retired person to be Bruces driver during the day so that won't be so bad. I would have to take him to meetings on Sunday and his night activities.
 Sorry, I'm whining again. I did take a nap yesterday.
I got a list of people to interview yesterday from DHS. We can put an ad in and see who wants to work weekends. Or we can look at their preferences and see who will work then. It is really helpful. 
I got my sample block done for the quilting class on Thursday. 
We only interviewed three people off the home health care list. We will call one and tell her she has the job and hope it works out. 

   I took a quilting class at the new quilt shop. The disappearing hourglass, it is on line, was only $20 and as Rosala says a good price to get out for the day. We had three in the class. We sewed two 10 inch blocks together and then cut them diagonally. And then sewed it together in an hourglass shape. And then cut it in thirds and maybe you should watch the video on you tube. I cut my first block wrong. But I was okay after that. 
   I bought a tuna salad from the sub shop and a lemonade for lunch. I sat on a bench outside and enjoyed the sunshine. 
  I  finished five squares and had six more ready to cut so it was a productive day.
  Saturday afternoon we went up to the stake center for an emergency communications open house. We liked the solar light bulb that has an outlet for your cell phone. We were thinking we might get some of them for the adult children for Christmas, that way if disaster strikes, I can call them and know they are safe. Crystal says they have them in Ghana, they are thinking of going with solar instead of the merry go rounds.
  They told us the disaster in this area would be if Portland had an earthquake we would be affected as our gasoline and heating oil come from that area. The Red Cross (Debbie Mills) suggested we get ahead on any medicine we might need. And to pack stuff for the dog. Hadn't thought of that.  Bruce ordered a book to take a class on ham radios so he can become an operator. Will have to clear the desk off so he has a place to set up shop. It is a 35 question test and there is a practice test online. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cat/ Cow

Bruce is outside supervising the pouring of the concrete, he says he finds it fascinating. 
Should be the last day for them. The dog does not like the noise.

I walked down to Riveria school this morning with the dog. Bruce said it was a mile, then I came home and ate two cookies... My clothes seem to have shrunk.

  Bruce didn't stand at all this last week. He got up on his hands and knees and then to knees, called four point and two point kneeling. He did cat/ cow and a lot of shoulder work and the step bike. No pool time as he has a catheter in and we should be taking that out this week. 
Teija is bringing dinner tonight. 

   Went to UFO and met a new lady with lavender hair. She is my age. I tried not to stare. Maybe I will color my hair that color, ha ha. She seemed nice and was quiet. Sometimes it is really noisy there. She asked about genealogy so that was good.
I got a lot of cutting and ironing done.
Have to go to Rite Aide and get meds for Bruce will do that tomorrow.
  Rosala brought over a waffle ice cream cake, have never had that before. It was a different taste. Debbie brought KFC chicken. Was hoping for the leftovers for lunch and the boys ate it last night.
    Duncan finally mowed the lawn. Yeah
   Kevin set the well and hoses up for us. So the garden is ready. Need someone to weed. Haven't heard anything from the YW will have to get more names.
 Jeff has us on his list to redo the master bathroom. It will be a couple of weeks before he gets to us. That is fine. We like the quiet. He is going to put a pedestal sink in, tile and a built in cabinet. He will repaint and make the baseboards match the rest of the house. It will be quite nice when it is finished. Then all we will have left to do will be the basement bathroom.
  Jeff redid the putty around the back toilet, apparently it wasn't tall enough and did not seal, he didn't charge us so that was great as his team put it in last year. Bruce had noticed it was wet around the base of the toilet. Ick
Must go sew while Bruce is gone.
  Here is the chevron baby quilt I made for a friend having her first baby. Chris says the blocks look like cats. I can see it and where I tied the blocks, those are the whiskers.
   On Friday, I took Bruce to Central School groundbreaking. Several teachers gave us both hugs. The love shared brought tears to my eyes. I liked that Larry said most of the local jobs were sub contracted out and 5 million dollars will come back Bruce was able to cross the terrain with two bodyguards, Jim and Mark and put a shovel in the ground. He wanted to stay til the children sang their 'thank you' song. Wish more people had been there. 
  He commented the new school design on the program looks like dental offices, two stories, the windows are high for lighting, but the children can't see out so they won't be distracted, one slope roofing which is easier to take care of. I wonder if the students were allowed to draw a picture of what they wanted the school to look like. Will they move the toys down from the old school?
  Saturday Maggie and Darius came over to weed. Darius did it for service hours for the middle school and Maggie is raising money for girls camp. Duncan dumped two of our mulch trash cans in the garden and we filled them with new weeds, then Bruce had Duncan cut a limb off a tree from the alley that was putting shade in the yard. I hadn't even noticed it. When Andrew arose at noon thirty,Bruce had him cut of the dead branches on the peach tree. The backyard is starting to look nice. I even did a little weeding, but could feel my sinus running so I headed for the house. 
   We went to the open house at the genealogy library Saturday afternoon, we arrived in time for lunch, good timing. Bruce went to one class and I to another. He slept through his class. He said the class was interesting, but if you have a full tummy and they turn out the lights for the video it is bye, bye Bruce.
  Another busy, full week has flown by.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Home Again

    Finally got Bruce home at 7 Sunday night. I felt I needed to stay with him as he was feeling really low on Saturday. Another set back with tears. Someone told us it was another bump in the road. We tired of the bumps. 

Had a very nice tender mercy. I won the $100 worth of free fabric from the new quilt store drawing. I spent all of it but $7. I am bad to the bone. I got a quilting book, a jelly roll and fabric to go with it and two spools of grey thread.

  Bruce has a catheter for a week and I am having a hard time dealing with it. Bruce seems fine.
I cry at the drop of a hat. Might have to stay in for awhile. I think I am exhausted, this is such an up and down ride.
I think we get blessings even if we complain. Look at me, I got the gift certificate and I am still crying.
  Our son Luke broke boys his wrists. He was playing basketball, was going for a dunk, made the basket (that is important) and fell. He caught himself with his wrists.
spent all but $7 at the quilt store.
Amy is bringing a pizza on Friday. She makes a homemade chicken bbq sauce that Andrew requested. It is good.
We went to Walla, Walla on Wednesday. The appointment was rescheduled from two weeks ago. I got my car DVD player back from Teija to I will watch Monk and put the binding on my quilt for the class on Saturday. 
We gave Rosala Debbie the night off from cooking. We ate at Mongolian Grill. It is a fun place and we get to watch them cook it.
   Went to UFO at Wildfire lodge Thursday morning. They fed us lunch, beef stew, salad, yellow squash and lemon cake and we did a show and tell. Saw Allen Bieckle there and Charlene Counsil, one of Bruce's teachers. It was good to catch up. Going to Wildflower is an annual event, we talk to the ladies there and they see our colorful quilts. Win, win for all of us.

J and N poured the concrete for the curbs and part of the sidewalk today. It is looking good. Just need our parking places back.
Thank you to Bryan for spraying the grass is dear the blueberries and returning to spray the dandelions. It will sure help. 
Carma brought chicken Tostitos for dinner tonight. It didn't last long. I made a green salad.
Rosala brought brownies and black cherry ice cream for dessert which I ate, how am I ever going to lose weight? What a way to go.
Jesse comes in to vacuum, mop the floors and scrub the bathrooms. She is very helpful.
The football team will be here on Saturday to wash our windows for a donation. 
Went to D&B Saturday morning with Bruce and Kevin. Kevin is going to help Bruce set up a soaker hose system in the back yard to water the garden, grapes and blueberries. 
I got some chocolate mint and some Thyme to plant.
Bruce didn't stand at all this last week. He got up on his hands and knees and then to knees, called four point and two point kneeling. He did cat/ cow and a lot of shoulder work and the step bike. No pool time as he has a catheter in and we should be taking that out this week. We had one accident with a sock full of pee. I am tired.
Pouring the new driveway, nothing fancy, just concrete. It was all torn up from people turning in the driveway when they dropped their children off at Greenwood School. Now all the children go in the front door for security so it isn't a problem any more.
Tearing out the old driveway.

Men in a row

Men in a row
Men in my life Photo Jeri Mackley

Look at those guns!

Look at those guns!
Whoa, look at those guns Photo by Jeri Mackley