*Andrew, age 3 "Let's have a pic nic nic." when he wanted to go on a picnic.
*Andrew, age 4, Called a cross on top of a church, "the sword in the stone".
*Ben wanted to go to "Rot o col doe", meaning Colorado, age young
*Daniel wanted to go help dad get some "newer". They were getting some manure for the garden.
*Daniel, I want the "bone-leg", meaning the drumstick.
*Duncan called a storm window a "thunder window", age young.
*Duncan wanted to play the "pan o", not piano.
*Duncan~"blow down" was used for the word balloon.
*Robert, My "throw-up" hurts, for throat.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Crystal is 21 today. After work she wanted to see the wind farm that has been built near here. Wildlife didn't seem to mind the project. The scale is huge and there are two additions planned, each as large as the first.
Three days of toil and fun in the sun brought to life a new play structure our my school. This followed more than a year of fundraising, bidding the contract and planning the installation. All done by our PTA and the school community.