Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Grandchildren Visiting

Thea, 3 years young, is singing "Do you see what I see?"
Her favorite color is "boo".
She was playing with the magnets, building something & I asked this sweet, pretty little girl what she was making. She said 'a gun'. Ben says 'she is pretty but deadly.'
I asked Wyatt if he wanted a tuna fish, peanut butter or egg salad sandwich. He replied, " cheese".
The boys all made paper targets to shoot Uncle Luke's pellet gun. Thea made a sweet little, rabbit, Wyatt made random circles, Matt made a target with descending circles and Luke made the rear end of a cow with a tail and Wyatt insisted it was the cow's pee pee. sigh
So what did you do today?

Men in a row

Men in a row
Men in my life Photo Jeri Mackley

Look at those guns!

Look at those guns!
Whoa, look at those guns Photo by Jeri Mackley