We started the day with Eggs Benedict, a Christmas tradition in Bruce's family with some friends.
Robert called on his skype camera. Sadie had a new pink three wheel bike and would not get off it. They were happy and warm in AZ.
Luke called at noon. He had to try three times from Columbia before he could get through. He is happy and busy. He said the neighbors killed a pig on Christmas eve and partied all night and then got up on Christmas day for more parties. He eats rice every day and a lot of beans. They walk everywhere. It rarely gets below 90 , but it is very humid there. He loves the Lord and teaching people.
Ben and Lindsy came over with their children. They are very busy and Christmas is so much more fun with little ones. Thank -you for sharing them with us.
Crystal called at 1pm from New York City. She is in Jamaca Queens and is loving it. She sounded very happy and said she was the oldest sister missionary. She and her companion are the only white ones in the ward. She got her pkgs and was happy.
Dan called, he was at the Bishop's home in Ashland, OR. They sounded like they were having fun. They were making a chocolate cake and then were going to go see a movie. He had four invitations for dinner. We will have to mail our pgks. to him on Monday.
Merry Christmas to all and enjoy the sales tomorrow!
11 months ago