We had a most excellent talk yesterday from a recently returned very handsome missionary! (aka my son) He said 2 years ago he was in the MTC during Christmas and the apostles came and spoke to them. One of the talks was instead of doing the Twelve Days of Christmas they should compose their 12 Names of Christ and study them out in their scriptures. So he talked about four of his favorite names and I figured I would list some of the names for Christ since there are a bizillion names.
Wonderful, Counselor, the Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, the Bread of life, the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd, the Exemplar, Rock of my Salvation, the Vine, the Creator, the Savior, the Beloved Son, the Firstborn, the Lamb, Holy One, Jehovah, Son, Redeemer, the Word, Deliverer, Mediator, Light, Messiah, Christ
So we had a talk with a challenge.