Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Girl's Camp Pranks

   Here are some ideas that have been used at Girl's Camp.
 The bees are used with "Ha, Ha, we stung you!!" and leave a candy treat.
Eye stickers - one leader put an eyeball sticker on the middle of each girls' forehead at night, so when they woke up they looked like cyclops and startled each other. 
'Heart attacks' with hearts on sticks and sayings and treats.
'Mooning'  is moon shapes on Popsicle sticks with clever sayings and perhaps Starburst candy or Moon pies.
Red Dots -  a sign that says "you have been quarantined."

The Red Army men are placed around a campsite and make a sign that says,"We have you surrounded, un huh, uh huh." and leave a candy treat or homemade book-markers...
Saran wrap is new since I went as a girl. Wrapping cars, toilet seats and doorways are ideas often used.

TP is the usual standard. It is fun for the girls, harmless and usually easy to clean up.
 The eggs are "We egged you." You can put a scripture, treat or Y W key-chain fob inside the eggs. This goes well with our Green Eggs and Ham theme this year. eggactly, eggcellent No eggcuses! 

Star Tipping is banned this year as someone fell and hit her head on a rock and had a concussion.
Saran wrapping the tents is also banned as the girls in the tent in trying to get out broke a pole or two.
Not happy campers.
 So what kind of pranks did you play at camp?

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