Monday, August 17, 2015

Transfers and New Help

   Pam brought me/us a bright happy bouquet of flowers. Thank you and for a nice visit sharing adventures we are having and how we are surviving.
   Andrew got home on Monday from a fire and left on Tuesday for another fire, he was not a happy camper. We keep telling him it is better than Burger King or the mill. He called that evening to report he had worked a double shift when they got there. They had to set a back fire and watch it til 8am. He said he got three hours of sleep, won't have any trouble falling asleep tonight, he said they might rotate them to the front of the line tomorrow. Glad he is able to report every other night.
  Rosala brought over some tasty meatloaf and baked taters with a green salad and a loaf of French bread. Thank - you Rosala!
   After calling half the names on the DHS list for home care help we found two excellent helpers, The new hires have started and we are loving them. Yeah, so wonderful to get hard working and reliable people.
   Bruce said he stood up 15 times today and seven of them he stood for a minute each time.
    We are using the slide board at home. The OT's came to the house on Thursday afternoon to help us and we did well with the transfers from chair to couch. And then chair to bed. 

   Bruce on the couch. It is easier to do the transfers at OT because he goes from chair to mat. Here the couch and bed are soft so the transfers are harder, he is sweating by the end of each transfer.
    So Thursday night Bruce says we can do this and he ended up half way on the floor, oops, Thank goodness Duncan is around to help us and it took three of us to get him back on the bed. Dang, how did the OT ladies make it look so easy? Friday morning was a little easier and Friday night Duncan helped us pull him on the bed. He kind of hangs there with his feet off the bed. The stretch is good for his thigh reflexers.
 They need to be strengthened so his hips can support his weight when he is standing.
   The new ladies are working out really well. They laugh at my jokes so they can't be all bad. Thank goodness for good help. Did I say that already?
   Andrew is doing 'clean up' at the fire. They look for 'smokers' and spray them with their 3 gallon bladders on their backs. So clean up means they walk the burned area looking for smoke and spray it with the water backpack they carry. He should be home tomorrow for a couple of days. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful that you've found reliable caregivers. I learned new procedures to lift and transfer safely my mom safely by watching her home care help get her out of bed and into a chair. Transfers are much easier now, which means Mom gets up and around more than she did before.

Rochel Badger @ Homewatch CareGivers of North Atlanta

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