I visited a 91 year old grandma yesterday. She called me; someone had given her my number. She had several items to sell. She used to be an umbrella gal. They danced with their umbrellas at the parades and senior center. She wore the clown costume for patients at the hospital.
I got 12 decorated parasols only two are broken
22 plastic hats
6 nice straw hats
3 nice feather boas ~ 2 white and one black and 2 feather fans, 1 white and 1 black
a clown jumpsuit, dark green with large orange polka dots
a red can- can dress
a brown, ornate hippie gown
a wild muu muu
a flapper dress
2 yellow, polka dot flower petal flapper type dresses
and 9 eastern star gown dresses ~ two name brands were on the internet~ Mike Benet and emma domb Mike Benet is modern and the emma domb dress might be worth more than I paid for it, I found several on the internet. One dress is a golden Egyptian style and another is a light blue, Roman goddess style. They are in the larger sizes!
The piece of resistance is a life size doll puppet. It hooked onto her feet and arms and she danced with it. I think we will use it at the Hunted house or I can use it to rent for a take your date with you thing. We shall see. Maybe I will practice dancing with her and "perform" with her. I set her at the table and we call her grandma. She has a silver wig and wears the muu -muu.
The hard part is giving up the memories that go with the dresses. She said she might find more and call me later.
11 months ago