Here is Luke wearing his cleaning gloves so he can clean the bathroom in his apartment.
Bruce had his surgery on Monday. He got three stitches in his cheek and one stitch on his forehead and they sent it off to see if it was cancerous.
Andrew has started soccer practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school at Pioneer Park. They should have some games soon on the week-ends.
Andrew went to Scouts which was a bike ride down a totally steep, narrow trail where he crashed and never wanted to ride it again. It was in preparation for the Scout Fall Camporee this week –end. The campout was at Phillips Reservoir with a 22 mile bike ride up and down an old logging road. Andrew rode shotgun in the car and refused to even try the ride after his experience on Wed, which turned out to be a wise choice. There were 6 bike crashes, two lost campers, one concussion and one leader had stitches, all in all a good scouting activity...
Bruce had his stitches out on Friday and they told him the results of the skin test were negative, one spot was an enlarged oil gland and the other spot was from sun damage. No cancer is definitely good news!
Bruce and I went to Boise on Saturday. I stopped at the costume store and picked up a brown derby and pink ostrich feather, one police badge, two Bobbie police hats and two plastic Bobbie sticks,(we might make these out of wood as the plastic ones are cheap looking) and some white spats. I also went to a fabric store to find material for the lead in Hello Dolly. I found some nice sparkle gold fabric that should work nicely with an historical western dress pattern with a train. Bruce read a book in the car.