Grandpa Bob passed away Jan 27, 2010 ~ Tributes to Bob
Bob was 90 years young. He lived in Ashland, Oregon.
Hi everyone - Bob Kevan passed on this evening, in his home, surrounded by devoted friends, quietly and at peace. We will miss him.
Much love, Kathy
I'm so sorry. But as I've said to you, what a brave and courageous way to take your leave of life, being in control of how it ends and knowing when it's time to go, like the Native Americans did. It makes sense. It's just hard on the ones who have to carry on and mourn their loss. What a gentleman he was and in the little time I knew him, I felt his love for and his interest in his family and what was going on in the world. My best to you, Bill, and Jason and the rest of your family. Even though you had expected the outcome, it's still a shock when it happens. You were there for him and that's what counts. Best wishes. Kathleen Scrimgeour
We are all better people because Bob touched our lives, he was blessed with dignity, grace, a gusto for life, respect for others, love of learning, leadership, and helping others less well off.
Ron Garfield
He did it his way! I know he will be forever loved and missed.
Love you, Pam Francis
Sorry to hear that Dad. He is a good man though. I think he lived great and that he'll die great.
Love you! ~Rob Kevan
I will miss Grandpa Bob.
Love, Sister Crystal Kevan
11 months ago