Sunday, January 10, 2016

Weekly Progress

   Monday went to Quilt Therapy and spent way too much money. Bought fabric for backs. 
   Bruce wanted to get out of house so he went with me to run errands. We went to Wal Mart to purchase the circle push up with handles so he can use them for slide board transfers. Unfortunately the underside hurt his hands so will have to order some on line. We did try a slide board transfer and it took longer than the sling and lift. 

    Next we went to Safeway. It worries me to take Bruce with me, I need to keep an eye on him and still let him have some freedom. So I sent him off to check out the meat prices, he found some good deals. It is like having an adult two year old. 
     Bruce did his monthly evaluation, his strength has improved. He knocked the therapist over when she told him to push her. She wasn't expecting it, she then told him to do it again when she got her stance. That was the funny for the week.
   Bruce is doing a new exercise where he pulls up to the shower bar and using his thigh muscles he lifts his bottom off the chair. He was so proud he could do it. Every step is a triumph. 
    On Wednesday Bruce was able to walk in the pool, back and forth lifting his feet about two inches so more of a walk instead of a slide. He also does push offs from the edge of the pool. 
  Pool time was at two in the afternoon. This means getting home in bed to change him to his swimsuit, then back in the sling to the chair. Then an hour later, back to the sling to the bed to change back into street clothes because he is cold and wet and back to the chair. He took a nap, I did laundry, towels and such. 
   Rosala and Debbie brought over meat loaf, scalloped taters, green salad and a lovely chocolate pudding, cream cheese, cool whip dessert. I had three helpings. Thanks for staying and talking to me. Adult female conversation is difficult to come by in this house.
    Bruce had temple recommend interviews at the Stake center from 6:30 to 8:30 with President Chadwick.
   Thursday I got out of the house and spent a couple of hours with thenUFO group in the basement of the Methodist church. They are very nice in letting us use their empty spaces.  
We went to Jayces pre ception. It was very nice, red, black and white were the colors. Mud pies were the treats. 
    On Friday we fed the sister missionaries. One is from Georgia and the other from Florida. They liked our Papa Murphy special and I even made a green salad.
   Saturday Bruce had dance duty at the Stake center. Pres. Orton went to a funeral in Utah. Duncan took Bruce for a bout half an hour. 
   A good week, only one melt down, no wet sheets or bowel issues. Just tired.

1 comment:

Lckevan said...

I love to hear the progress he is making! It's exciting. And you are doing a great job. We love you!

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Men in a row
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Look at those guns!
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