Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Robert called on his skype camera. Sadie had a new pink three wheel bike and would not get off it. They were happy and warm in AZ.
Luke called at noon. He had to try three times from Columbia before he could get through. He is happy and busy. He said the neighbors killed a pig on Christmas eve and partied all night and then got up on Christmas day for more parties. He eats rice every day and a lot of beans. They walk everywhere. It rarely gets below 90 , but it is very humid there. He loves the Lord and teaching people.
Ben and Lindsy came over with their children. They are very busy and Christmas is so much more fun with little ones. Thank -you for sharing them with us.
Crystal called at 1pm from New York City. She is in Jamaca Queens and is loving it. She sounded very happy and said she was the oldest sister missionary. She and her companion are the only white ones in the ward. She got her pkgs and was happy.
Dan called, he was at the Bishop's home in Ashland, OR. They sounded like they were having fun. They were making a chocolate cake and then were going to go see a movie. He had four invitations for dinner. We will have to mail our pgks. to him on Monday.
Merry Christmas to all and enjoy the sales tomorrow!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Andrew's Hoops
Friday, December 4, 2009
I rented a Raggedy Ann costume today.
I am sewing an around the world scrap quilt. It is beautiful and I do not want to give it away.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
pretzel jello salad
3/4 CUP MELTED Margarine WHIP)
3 t. SUGAR
1. COMBINE PRETZELS, Margarine AND 3 T. SUGAR. PRESS INTO 9 X 12 pan bake 10 MINUTES AT 375'. COOL.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A girl sat in some paint, I got most of it off.
A button came off a vest, One of boys tore his pants. One of the waitresses tore her red jacket.
I forgot some of the costumes and came home.
I forgot the judges out fit so will bring it tonight.
We lost one of the Civil war hats so will have to replace it.
The kids were eating pizza in their costumes.
Dolly's bustle was on sideways.
What will happen tonight?
Stay tuned..
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween day
Our house has been busy with costume customers all week. I advertised in the local paper and it worked. I had thirty one rentals and some trades, including a massage.
Andrew had a choir concert on Thursday night. They sang “Grim Grinning Ghosts,” (which is from the Haunted Mansion DVD, I can't find mine I lent it to someone) “Guardians of a Dream” and “Cantar.” They sounded really good as a combined seventh and eighth grade choir of about 50 kids. We forgot to take the camera, so no pictures.
Friday we had our traditional Halloween activities at school. Bruce always get to lead the costume parade, he went as Merlin. Most of the kids thought he was some wizard from a currently popular cartoon series. Since we do not follow TV, we have no idea what they were talking about. When Bruce told them he was Merlin, most had no idea what he was talking about. “The times they are a changin’.”
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Costume rentals
Bruce and Andrew dressed as Clifford the big red dog for the Central book fair on Tuesday.
I rented three costumes for the Costume Ball on Saturday, a black knight, a lady fair and a Gothic maiden. I might have made enough money to pay for advertising...
We have inherited the plant from Little shop of Horrors. I asked Jeri Mackley if she wants it for the haunted house. It sure gets a lot of looks from the neighbors.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Belly Flop contest
Dolly Hats
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Bruce had his surgery on Monday. He got three stitches in his cheek and one stitch on his forehead and they sent it off to see if it was cancerous.
Andrew has started soccer practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school at Pioneer Park. They should have some games soon on the week-ends.
Andrew went to Scouts which was a bike ride down a totally steep, narrow trail where he crashed and never wanted to ride it again. It was in preparation for the Scout Fall Camporee this week –end. The campout was at Phillips Reservoir with a 22 mile bike ride up and down an old logging road. Andrew rode shotgun in the car and refused to even try the ride after his experience on Wed, which turned out to be a wise choice. There were 6 bike crashes, two lost campers, one concussion and one leader had stitches, all in all a good scouting activity...
Bruce had his stitches out on Friday and they told him the results of the skin test were negative, one spot was an enlarged oil gland and the other spot was from sun damage. No cancer is definitely good news!
Bruce and I went to Boise on Saturday. I stopped at the costume store and picked up a brown derby and pink ostrich feather, one police badge, two Bobbie police hats and two plastic Bobbie sticks,(we might make these out of wood as the plastic ones are cheap looking) and some white spats. I also went to a fabric store to find material for the lead in Hello Dolly. I found some nice sparkle gold fabric that should work nicely with an historical western dress pattern with a train. Bruce read a book in the car.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Old for the Old
Rachael Berry is having a giveaway at her website for a crocheted hat for Halloween. They are adorable.
Bruce and Andrew stayed home and did man things, like soccer practice, boring board meetings and canning apples and drying apples.
I am now sewing costumes for the haunted house. I have made 1 mummy costume and have three to go. I finished the hoods. I made a hump for a hunchback and am working on a strait jacket.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
school starts
Andrew is in school and loving it. He has PE everyday. He loves his Science teacher, Mr. Mays.
Bruce is home sick with a fever. He said they sent 12 children home on Friday with a fever, he figures he has what they had.
I found two bow ties, two pair long white gloves, two boater straw hats, some purple gingham fabric and several yards of bright orange fabric at yard sales this week end.
I even did some canning this week. I canned about 8 quarts on Monday and another 6 on Tuesday. Bruce is drying a lot of the peaches and he canned quart size jars of tomato sauce.
We are grateful for our garden.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Matching chairs
This week I found a fly costume (haven't seen one of those before, size 7/8, child), a chef hat, a sheer scarf for 1950's dress up and a CI game for Dan.
Bruce and Andrew are camping and canoeing at Wallawa lake with the Scouts.
I finished my 11 stupid monkey tails and hoods for the Wiz. I am going to cut out a green king cape today and begin on the Winkie guard costumes. Dress rehearsal is this week. Did you see my name in the paper as a skilled seamstress that is helping to do the sewing? I get free tickets.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Estate clothing
There were two Pendleton wool ponchos in a brown plaid and a blue plaid, both with fringe. I took the pockets off and I think they will be perfect for period clothing and warm too.
There was one milk maid costume from the colonial period that will be nice to have.
There was a crop top in big red/blue flowers, I'm thinking 1980's.
Also a green polyester short sleeve turtleneck with matching mini skirt and hot pants, maybe a cheer leader outfit?
There was a blue mid calf, fur collar coat with big buttons, definitely 1950's. LOL
And the best of all was a leather jacket, mid- calf length, sz 15/16. Just wish I could fit into it!
The clothes smelled musty and stale from being in a closet so I am letting some air outside while the weather is nice.
I will take some of the clothes to a vintage clothing store in SLC in Sept. to trade for other clothing for the costume shop. He has good junk there.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
August 16th
I made 5 monkey tails and still need to make 5 more plus hoods with ears for the Oz.
Andrew had two soccer games, won one and tied one.
Andrew and I started the Communications merit badge. He is getting good at communicating.
Duncan had a Birthday. Happy Birthday! He wanted a Joy of Cooking cookbook. Happy cooking!
Gave a box or two to the Free Market. Andrew came home with a boffing shield, a tank toy and a plastic baseball bat. I got a belly dancing belt, (the ladies saved it out for moi), a beautiful brown teddy bear, some striped pants that might make good pirate pants, an old prom dress, and a green reversible jacket for the Emerald city costumes. Good haul!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I have been sewing costumes for the Wizard of Oz. I have cut out and partialy sewn three munchkin costumes in bright colors. We found some monkey wings for the flying monkeys in Boise on Saturday. I found two shirts and six belts at the DI to make a strait jacket. The instructions are on the internet. It looks easy enough.
Andrew had two soccer games get canceled because of lightening. He got his service hours in this week helping other boys do their Eagle projects.
Dan left for Medford on Thursday to secure an apartment. He bought two couches and end tables and a queen size bed so he is set.
Dunc went back to ID and will work for four weeks and then school starts for him. He is on the grounds crew and likes it better than flipping burgers or cleaning toilets.
We are happy , healthy and ready for a new week to begin.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Lake Kevan be Gone
Another wondrous week has sped by at Lake Kevan’s be Gone. Andrew had two soccer games; he won one and lost one. He plays hard and comes off the field red faced and sweaty. It makes a difference for the better when he is on the field.
We painted (meaning Bruce) the guest bedroom off the kitchen a pale tan. It totally improves the room like 100%. I will hang pictures this week. Rob, Lindsey and baby Sadie, age almost a year, moved in on Thursday afternoon just as the last wall was drying. Excellent timing! I sorta cleaned out the closet of costumes and hung tan plaid curtains to hide the mess.
We watched several videos to indoctrinate Lindsey into the Kevan culture. The first was Galaxy Quest a spoof on the Star trek movies, she laughed at all the right places and the second was the Wrath of Khan, a trekie movie. Now she might understand Rob better and see why he is the way he is. Hmmmm We did get to see the latest Harry Potter movie and were excited with it. It was very well done and I only hid my eyes once in an intense part. I wasn’t scared, just startled. I wonder if someone will do a spoof on the Potter movies?
Rob and Dan went to their 10 year High School class reunion on Friday evening and Saturday. We watched Sadie for them and she was very well behaved and went done without a peep. We must wear her out.
Friday morn Lindsey went yard sailing with my dear friend, Ernie and moi. We were only out for an hour and a half. Lindsey did really well and bought several things. Saturday we went two hours and only stopped because it was getting really hot. We spent all our quarters anyway and found several items we couldn’t live without so we have filled our shopping needs and girl talk for the day. I scored big with several costume purchases.
I did rent a Cat in the Hat costume this week. A lady wanted a costume for her daughter’s birthday party. Cookie Monster was too small, Baloo was too hot, but the Cat was just right. Hopefully they will return the costume by tomorrow.
Andrew went shooting guns, 22’s, on Friday evening with the Scouts. They went over the safety stuff and then fired at paper plates. His plate came home with several holes in it. He was a happy camper.
Bruce has been very busy picking, canning, steaming and drying cherries. We picked a bizillion ice cream buckets of cherries and gave away as many as we could. The juice will probably be made into jelly later on.
It has been so totally hot even with the fans at full blast. The clothes dry really fast outside
Signing out, all the women, me and Lindsey are strong, the men are good looking and the baby, Sadie is above average.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Grandpa Bob's 90th b-day
Bruce made breakfast for the fam, Eggs Benedict and it was well received. We used fresh fruit from the Corvallis farmer's market. We enjoyed meeting all of Bob's friends and talking to the fam. We really like the music from Corkey Seigull and Michael Stanwood and BC Cameron.
Bob turned 90 on June 28 and we went to Ashland, OR to celebrate, stopping to see the grand babies along the way.
Will post photos later.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Musical bedrooms
We moved the costume shop to the basement. We moved Crystal's room and my piles of fabric (a year or two's supply) to Grandma's room and finally we moved Grandma's room aka. the guest room, to the main floor off the kitchen. It has a double bed in it for guests and the fam.
I'm tired. I do not like to do stairs. Am I thinner? I'm going to have a bowl of ice cream to soothe the aching muscles. sigh
I will be bringing Dan home next week and he will get to choose which bedroom he wants to stay in for two months while he relocates to Ashland, OR to study forensic's. He is finished witht he Navy! yes
Robert and Lindsey and Sadie will be here for a week, so they will get to pick which room they want to stay in too.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Fathher's Day
We charged the battery on the weed eater and they tried it out last night. The yard just might look nicer this week.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Camping, Chipping and Haunted house
Bruce put in the dome climbing toy at the Playground and had chips put in for safety. He is walking funny this morning.
Jeri wanted to open the Haunted House in Union this week end for the Stock show. On Friday we had 60 people come through. I didn't make it back last night so don't know how they did. I did get a nice thigh length white lab coat, a sailor hat, a newsy hat, some long white gloves and two silk neckerchiefs at yard sales. Lori and Ernie went with me.
Friday, June 5, 2009
1 Dan'l Boone outfit made of suede, dk brown with shirt and pants with fringe sz 10-12
1 tan cowboy vest with chaps, made of suede, sz 10 -12
1 purple pirate Cap't Jacket with gold buttons and braid sz 10-12
I black vest with cape with circle mirrors on it~ don't know who the character is
1 red velvet vest with bells and matching skirt with bells, sz small
1 neon, silver shiny skirt with bells~ sz small ~ Dare I wear it to church on Sunday?
1 red wool hat with three red wool roses
3 glass crystals
Andrew is sleeping in daddy's chair, he stayed up late at a sleep over...
Bruce is at work. I guess I will go hang out the laundry. sigh
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Grandchildren and barbeque
In the evening Ben brought the boys back over and we had a barbecue. I couldn't resist the salmon, the first river catch and we had that and some beef kabobs, chips, a tiny watermelon, carrots and cucumbers and the boys wanted Popsicles for dessert. Lindsy went to to the Union graduation, they had a presentation for her father as he was their adviser. The boys are small and do not sit for long periods of time very well, kinda like me... We changed the tire on Crystal's car as it had gone flat and we moved a bookcase into the house so I could change a different one out.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial week end
Bruce and Andrew went to Morgan lake and caught three fish. Andrew caught the biggest and the most, I ate his catch. Yumm
Sunday, May 17, 2009
yaRd sales
10 striped dancing short skirts pink/blue/white (I think we can use them for Aladdin)
4 tan Indian costumes, child size
10 orange tank tops (glowworm)I will give these away, they were free
1 Gothic dress, red/black
a long sleeved, turquoise turtleneck for a peacock costume
1 child's blue vest (for Aladdin)
2 cowgirl skirts, blur, red tiered (gypsy)
1 wool tan, cowboy vest (7 brides...)
1 blue Asian top and pants
1 white shirt (we need pants and tops for mummies for the HH)
1 cat ears and bow tie, black with silver spots
1 bench, 2 wooden long toolboxes with handles, a small wooden four legged stool with fabric top, a coffee pot(coffee pot people) and 1 yellow glass bottle and a green glass bottle for my bottle tree(I didn't have yellow)
a good haul, I know I have to take something out for everything I bring in.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mother's night in
I invited some "girls" over and we watched Bedtime Stories. Ernie brought KFC chicken, chocolate, and Italian Biscotti. Carol made homemade sesame seed crackers (yummy) and Ann brought popcorn.The ladies were all ccold so I got fleece blankets out and I think it was better. It was such a nice day, I had the windows open airing the house out. We talked for an hour and then watched the movie. We laughed out loud.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
SUU Ballroom Dance Company
They performed to songs we knew. They did the hustle to "Shake Your Grove Thing" from the Goofy movie. They wore white pants and vests with a black shirt. Also performed was the ever familiar "Singing in the Rain" as a Foxtrot with umbrellas and yellow raincoats and the dresses looked like rain under the raincoats. They did the cha cha to "Die another Day" with that 007 man, with red light and silhouettes. A fun song they did was a fifties swing dance to "Swinging at the Savoy" from "The Other Side of Heaven". Andrew liked the nerds doing "I'm Too Sexy for Your Shirt", a line dancing type of dance where they knocked each other down. They did a waltz to "Moon River" and a Viennese Waltz to the "Harry Potter Waltz", they looked like they were floating. I loved the Paso Doble from "Zorro". I want some red/black dresses like the ones they used with a white ruffle shirt for Bruce. It was an invigorating night!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Andrew on the Soccer Field
Monday, May 4, 2009
Wall hangings
These are three wall hangings I have finished. I'm going to email the Friend and see if they want to use them for background photos in some of their issues. The red one is a Sudoku game and the number eight has watch faces on it set at number 8.
hmmm You are my sun, my moon, my starlit sky! I dwell in darkness without you!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
More costumes
I got 12 decorated parasols only two are broken
22 plastic hats
6 nice straw hats
3 nice feather boas ~ 2 white and one black and 2 feather fans, 1 white and 1 black
a clown jumpsuit, dark green with large orange polka dots
a red can- can dress
a brown, ornate hippie gown
a wild muu muu
a flapper dress
2 yellow, polka dot flower petal flapper type dresses
and 9 eastern star gown dresses ~ two name brands were on the internet~ Mike Benet and emma domb Mike Benet is modern and the emma domb dress might be worth more than I paid for it, I found several on the internet. One dress is a golden Egyptian style and another is a light blue, Roman goddess style. They are in the larger sizes!
The piece of resistance is a life size doll puppet. It hooked onto her feet and arms and she danced with it. I think we will use it at the Hunted house or I can use it to rent for a take your date with you thing. We shall see. Maybe I will practice dancing with her and "perform" with her. I set her at the table and we call her grandma. She has a silver wig and wears the muu -muu.
The hard part is giving up the memories that go with the dresses. She said she might find more and call me later.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Annie costumes
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Bruce reclining
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Coast
Andrew and Matt had fun in the ocean. I yelled for Andrew to get out of the water because he didn't have dry clothes to change into. He didn't hear me yelling like a fishwife, but he heard the whistle of his dad.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Almond Citrus Muffins
I am a little slow getting this to you. Like I said, you can replace the Almond extract and orange zest with most anything like 1 cup of blue berries or the zest of one lemon and a tablespoon of poppy seeds...
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1/3 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla
1 Tablespoon Almond extract
The zest from one medium orange
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease muffin cups
or line with muffin liners.
2. Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 cup sugar, salt and baking powder.
Place vegetable oil into a 1 cup measuring cup; add the egg and enough
milk to fill the cup. Add the vanilla, almond extract and orange zest
to the bowl. Mix this with flour mixture.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in the preheated oven.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sea Hag
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Luke in Columbia

The pictures are from the baptism and the conference. The one with me and my companion, and the short missionary in between is a three generation photo. Me, my trainer and my trainers trainer. The other is of our entire zone, and then the picture of the baptism. The black man is from Nigeria and only speaks English, I got to translate for him at the baptism. His friends are interested in the gospel and they don´t speak Spanish either, so I could end up teaching in English!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Images of Emily
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
This is a January lap quilt in blues and purples I made with a flannel backing. It is nice and warm. The second blankie is fleece we made in Enrichment meeting. You use two 1 1/2 yd pieces of fleece and tie the ends together. We finished it in one evening and Andrew uses it. I reckon I will have to make the little darling his own blakie with basketballs and soccer balls.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Estate sale
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Mt. Emily art gallery Opening
They did an award presentation and then started the show. The award was at 5pm and we were told to be there at 5:30pm. The award presentation didn't take as long as they thought. So we were late.
The batiks were beautiful. I remember I did batiks in High School.
There was another quilted wall hanging with tall trees that was well done, very neat and precise. (Debbie Rogers)
There were two black and white photographs called: ‘one with glasses’ and ‘one without of Mt. Emily’. That was funny. You had to read the title to get it. Bruce said does this look blurry to you? I told him yes, dear, read the title and look at the next picture.
Another lady did a collage of Mt. Emily pictures in an 8 x 10 frame. I coulda made one of those:)
There was a 4-H banner with Mt. Emily in the background. (By Sheri Nantz, a lot of work)
Another woman did the four seasons with Mt. Emily. Three of seasons had snow. No, just kidding, we do have 4 seasons here.
The sculpture was a wooden dinner plate with carved utensils called “Dinner on Mt. Emily”. The plate was in the shape of Oregon. Hmmm not what I expected, maybe the wood was from Mt. Emily.
There was a framed poem about Emily and when we arrived a lady was reading her story about Mt. Emily.
There were about 50 people there. Knew some names and faces. It is a different crowd for us.
It was an interesting show with a variety of art forms. Ruth Davenport, the organizer of the exhibit said two more galleries in town want to do the exhibit. The other two galleries are in the old library that is a new art center and a new place that is opening that will be in the tall, 2 story building that was Lester Realty. It may be awhile before I can display my quilted watercolor in our home. We forgot the camera so will take a picture later. It is 18 x 24 inches and titled “Stars Over Emily” How’s that for hoity toity?
Most of the food was gone when we got there. Andrew had part of a sandwich and 2 pieces of cake. Bruce had crackers and cheese. Nancy, my friend, had some fruit dipped in chocolates. I came home and made stir fry.
A friend that works at EOU said this show should be better than a previous one that had all naked ladies... Maybe we should do ‘Nudes on Emily’...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Luke is in Columbia!
Shamrock Table Runner
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Klondike Derby
Once a year the Scouts go up into the mountains and "sleep" in snow shelters and "have fun" competing in scout skills in the snow. Actually, the kids do sleep and have fun. The adults? That is another tale. Andrew turned 12 on the day of the Klondike. For snow shelters they dug snow caves in 8 feet of hard pack. One father/son pair built an igloo. At its base it was 10 feet across. The snow was deep enough for the kids to climb up on the outhouse.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Mt. Emily show
They have 16 female artists and they will have sculpture, photographs, paintings, batik watercolors and fabric hangings. It sounds so important. Monday at 5:30 they will give out an award and some ladies will read poetry and a short story about Mt. Emily and they she said she would introduce the artists. They will also have refreshments and a small jazz trio. Here is the website to see it: or just go to and find it from there.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Reluctant Dragon
The Portland Opera to Go rented three costumes this week, a dragon, Sir George and a peasant boy. EOU said they were busy doing two shows, so Peter Wordelman sent them to me. It was a thrill for me to have them here. Sir George sang his part with a lisp. I have never heard that done before. It was delightful! I should have painted the dragons fingernails gold so you can see them better. We used angel wings for the wings and painted them gold. I put the horns on a cat ear headband and added green ears and spikes down the back. We could have done a hood but we wanted his beautiful dreads to show.
Monday, February 9, 2009
New bed set
Men in a row
Men in my life Photo Jeri Mackley
Look at those guns!
Whoa, look at those guns Photo by Jeri Mackley